In-Line Text Ads    
Product Information

Smart and Striking Ad format that reduce the Ad space consumed on your site. This kind of Ads will not disturb the user unless user intends to view it.

Unlike other Ad formats, In Line Text Ads are wrapped under a keyword of a web content that are normally highlighted and makes the website to look Ad-free.

“Engage your Business with Guaranteed Impression”.

When a user visits the site a particular word (keyword) will be highlighted like a hyperlinked text that inflames the user's curiosity to click or to mouse hover the highlighted word.

Once the word is hovered the Ad will be displayed to the user in a popup window. The only thing to be focused in this In-Line Text Ads format for Revive Adserver is that the targeted keywords must be relevant to the Ad that gets displayed.

Publisher’s revenue is increased as the ads are displayed related to the keyword and gets more clicks and conversions.

Advertiser need not to spend more time in graphic design of the Ad.

Advantages of installing this plugin:

  • Guaranteed Impression.
  • Publisher’s revenue can be significantly increased.
  • Reduces the Web space consumed by Ad.
  • Provides publisher chance to display more ads with overall Ad-free feel.

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