Native video ads for mobile- engaging creatives efficiently delivered

Native video ads for mobile- engaging creatives efficiently delivered

Native mobile video advertising is about the change the course of the advertising industry, with the increasing use of mobile phones the industry is about to witness the rise of mobile native ads. According to recent reports, it is estimated that mobile video advertising spend will reach $7bn by 2019.

What is native video advertising?  How can mobile advertiser and publisher take advantage of this new, but rapidly evolving technology?

Native Mobile video advertising

Mobile video creatives have been in the market for quite a few years now; the traditional mobile video advertisements are usually 15 to 30 seconds long and will be used in a number of different networks and contexts by developers. Traditional mobile video creatives can cause discomfort to the user.

Mobile native video creatives, on the other hand, are presented natively within a selected app and will usually auto-play in silence until the user interacts, fitting naturally into the form and function of a mobile app without disturbing the user experience. Native ads also help in developing creative contents that can engage user without any disturbance. Engagement comes as a function of quality content rather than brute force.

Best plugin to deliver Native video ads

Native video ads plugin for revive adserver can deliver engaging creatives that will enhance the reach of video creatives in mobile video advertising. They will adapt to the main content format in which they are placed. The plugin can deliver creatives according to the application used by the user; every creative delivered will perfectly fit with the environment in which it is placed.

Native video mobile ads are video creatives that are displayed on social media, unlike video content links posted on pages, these ads will are carefully designed to play on the user feed. Plugin delivers unique creatives for different social media platforms with engaging video content that can capitalize on the rapidly evolving mobile market.native ads

The plugin can handle creatives with ease and every time a native video creative is displayed it will not cause any disturbance to the user, creatives are displayed within the content stream on apps and third-party publishers.

Binding reason to buy the plugin

Well, the plugin is a notch above when compared with the all the available plugins for Revive Adserver. Native video ads for mobile plugin allow you to monetize application matching with the existing design. It recommends a privacy icon, supports mp4 formats with VAST guidelines. All these features and more, if you are looking to deliver engaging native video creatives that can boost your revenue then you are in the right place.

The plugin provides access to design ads individually; this can help in delivering creatives that will match with the look and feel of every application used. Most importantly, the plugin is designed with the future of native ads in mind.

Click below to know more about the plugin

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